About Us
Growing Food. Building Community.
Georgia Fresh Farms
Owned and operated by Rebecca Barnes. Rebecca has long desired to provide her family with locally sourced, healthy foods and so, having grown food in various capacities at the house, we (along with her husband Bill) decided to take our hobbies to the next level. In researching container farms, we found this unique opportunity to grow both leafy green vegetables and mushrooms. With nearly every niche restaurant seeking to showcase some local finds on their menus, we have been warmly received in the finest dining establishments in Middle Georgia.
There is something extraordinarily gratifying about putting the freshest possible food in a chef or customer’s hand. We cannot look at grocery store lettuce the same anymore. It loses a lot when it is shipped across the country. Similarly, people light up when we show them one of our niche mushrooms. While farming presents no shortage of headaches, it is hard to argue with the satisfaction of watching the growth and delivering the freshness. By growing in a container, Georgia Fresh Farms uses a crop schedule that allows us to harvest the day before or the day of delivery. Now, that is fresh!